Residents in the Jacksonville area and possibly beyond will be up and at em’ early the next couple of days as the City Wide Yard Sale kicks off Friday morning. Ward 1 Alderwoman Eren Williams who organizes the event says she’s had more than 100 addresses registered for this year’s event.
She says it looks to be a busy and popular event as the response for sellers has been great, and she has promoted the City Wide Yard Sale far and wide on social media.
“There might be a few extra addresses in the Journal-Courier because their cutoff date was a little bit later than The Source. But also there were just so many people that called after my cutoff date that I told them to go ahead and keep having it because there will be so many people in town.
I’ve posted on social media pages in Des Moines, southeast Iowa, Chicago, St. Louis, Springfield, and just everywhere. So there’s going to be a lot of commotion in the town.”
This is the 3rd year for the Jacksonville City Wide Yard Sale, and the second consecutively.
The event was put on hold during the height of the Covid pandemic, but Williams says given the response she’s received, she feels this year’s will be as big as ever.
Address lists can be found in this week’s edition of The Source as well as the Friday and weekend editions of the Jacksonville Journal-Courier. Yard sales are planned throughout the Jacksonville and South Jacksonville area according to Williams.
The Jacksonville City Wide Yard Sale runs this Friday through Sunday. Williams says she’s suggested a time of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, however, there is no set time so they will vary by location.