The Jacksonville Promise Scholarship program is about halfway to its goal for the year. The group is hoping to raise $160,000.
Dr. Charles Sheaff says that the Jacksonville Promise has gotten some major help already from two local organizations: “We have to recognize the Tracy Family Foundation. They have been a major partner of ours starting in about the third year of our awards. Every year they give us a bigger and bigger grant for our efforts. This year they have given us a grant for $35,000. The Findley Family Foundation gives us a major grant every year. Many of the area banks pledge support to us each year. Of that $160,000, we have enough pledged support from major supporters that our public drive is $85,000 – that’s what we need to try to raise in individual donations from the community this year.”
Sheaff says the first way they are going to attempt to raise the remaining funds is through a pair of popular events: “We have a trivia night at Bogart’s on June 1st. We would like to see as many teams enter that as possible. It’s going to be $80 a team for 8 people, or $10 apiece. It should be a very fun evening. I know that trivia nights are a fairly popular type of activity in this community. Of course, they died off during the pandemic, so we are anxious to get that pastime rolling again here and have a few dollars go to the Promise. Then, on June 13th, which is a Tuesday, we’re going to have an interesting golf outing. It’s a 9-hole round of golf at K’s Creek. It’s going to be a 3-club outing. You get to pick any 3 clubs in your bag, and that’s what you shoot your round with.”
To sign up for the Trivia Night to be held on Thursday, June 1st at Bogart’s Banquet Hall, call 217-670-9371 to reserve your table of 8.
To register your 4-person team for the 3-Club Golf Outing for Tuesday, June 13th, make your reservations by calling K’s Creek Golf Club at 217-370-0501.