The Jacksonville Temporary Emergency Overnight Shelter Accommodations has been given the green light to open its doors tonight by city inspectors. Jacksonville Police Chaplain Alan Bradish says that city inspectors approved the opening of the shelter this evening to the city’s homeless.
Bradish says there are a few things that those wishing to use the accommodations must do to check-in for an overnight stay: “What we recommend is that they first go to Spirit of Faith Soup Kitchen and get a meal for the evening, because during the week they would need to utilize that food service for their evening meal. That is served from 3:30-4PM each day, Monday through Thursday. Then, after they have gotten their meal with the Soup Kitchen, they need to come over to the Jacksonville Police Station for their clearance check. That’s done at the police station from 4-5PM. They’ll need to come there and get that clearance check, and then, they bring the clearance check form to the TEOSA, which is located at 948 North Main Street between 5-6PM for check in here. At that time, they’ll be checked in and given a sleeping area for the evening. They’ll be able to stay in a warm, dry, safe place during the evening hours, and be able to stay here until 8 o’clock in the morning.”
Bradish says that the TEOSA currently has enough volunteers to get started, but he is having another training session on site this weekend from 1-3PM. Bradish says that physical good donations are also being accepted if you cannot volunteer. Monetary donations, food, clothes, and toiletries can either be brought to the site or left at the Jacksonville Police Department in care of the TEOSA. Bradish says a couple of night lamps and small tables are some current needs, as well.
If interested in volunteering, donations, or if you have further questions, please contact Bradish by phone at (217) 719-9358 or by email at