Jacksonville’s second Central Park Market returns to the Downtown Square this Thursday.
Weather brought the market inside for it’s first showing at the beginning of May, but market organizer Colleen Flinn says that the weather looks to cooperate this time around: “We will get to be outside this time. We are adding about 10 new vendors and have several returning vendors. We have a couple of new food vendors coming, as well. Being outside is going to be really good for the market.”
Organizers of the Central Park Market have been highlighting past and new makers joining the market on their Facebook Page throughout the month of May. Brick & mortar business on the square will remain open from 4-8PM during the market and will also be participating in the Cocktail Contest. Music from Giana Hines and Jeff Newman and food trucks from the area will also be sprinkled throughout the outdoor market for people to enjoy.
The Jacksonville Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau has also brought back the #shopsmall Game Card for a chance to win $50 and swag. Those wishing to participate should stop by the Convention & Visitor’s Bureau on East State Street to pick up a card during business hours.
Flinn says it’s a way to boost traffic on the square and spotlight local new or established makers. She says she and fellow organizer Jess Lynn of Green Haven Company all started their businesses through markets like this one: “We all started super small. Jess and I started at markets and we’ve just grown from there. Jess has a couple of brick & mortar locations now, and Nothing Fancy does wholesale business out of Jacksonville. This is definitely way we can give back to that community that helped us start out, and still have that feel of community with our own customers.”
The Central Park Market will be held Thursday from 4-8PM on the Downtown Square in Jacksonville. For more information or to become a vendor for the market held the first Thursday of every month until September, email centralparkjaxil@gmail.com.