JPD Investigating Trailer Theft

By Jeremy Coumbes on June 18, 2021 at 5:29pm

Crime Stoppers of Morgan, Scott & Cass Counties are requesting information to assist the Jacksonville Police Department in their Investigation of a recent theft.

At approximately 10am on June 3rd, an unknown older white male removed a black 2005 Ja-Mar flatbed vehicle trailer from a business in the 800 block of North Church. The white male was described as having a long gray beard.

The police are asking that anyone who has information concerning this incident or any other crimes within the three-county area submit a tip online by going to and clicking the leave a tip button on the home page or calling Crimestoppers at 243-7300.

If your tip leads to an arrest you are eligible for a cash payout. Tips may also be submitted by texting 274637 (CRIMES). The first word of the text tip must be “payout”.