The Jacksonville area was left a big soggy from the July rainfall.
The total precipitation for July was 5 and 85 hundredths inches. That’s 2 and 2 tenths inches more than normal.
There was some precipitation on 17 of the 31 days last month. There was 1 or more inches of rain on two of the days, and the month opened with 2 and 11 tenths inches on the first four days.
The month was warm, too. The average temperature was just over 77 degrees. That’s about a degree hotter than normal.
There were no record highs or lows. The mercury never dipped below 60 in July, and hit 90 or better on 11 of the 31 days.
The heat was turned on on the 5th, when the mercury hit 90 or better on six straight days, and 7 of 8 days overall.
A typical high last month was 87, and a low was 67. The hottest day was 92 on five days. The coolest was 64 on the 24th.
Precipitation for the year continues to run above normal. Usually, Jacksonville has about 22 and a half inches of rain through July. This year, the total is about 7 and a quarter inches more. The total precipitation for 2020 now stands at 29 and two thirds inches.
WLDS-WEAI is a cooperative reporting weather station for the National Weather Service.