An annual event for charity is returning to downtown Jacksonville this Spring.
The Kiwanis annual .5k Walk, Skip, Run, or Roll will be held on Saturday, April 2nd beginning at Don’s Place. The annual charity event returns, and over the past decade it has raised nearly $60,000 for local charities.
.5k Committee member Krisin Jamison says the event is currently seeking applications from local non-profits who wish to benefit from the proceeds that are raised this year: “We are looking for non-profit organizations in the area that specifically benefit children in keeping with the mission of Kiwanis. We just encourage any non-profit agency to connect with us, and let us know how the proceeds from this event could help them in their efforts. They can connect with Gary Scott at WLDS/WEAI, Lauren Dwyer at Beard Implement Company, or me Kristin Jamison at JREDC. We are happy to take that application and put it to the committee for consideration.”
Jamison says that the committee is also looking for sponsors for the event this year: “We have a group of dedicated sponsors who have donated at the $200 level for a number of years. Now, we are adding a $250 level that will include a logo that will go on the back of t-shirts. Every business or individual who is interested in sponsoring will absolutely have space on the back of our .5K t-shirts for this year, and those who bump up to that $250 level will be able to include their business logo as well.”
Jamison says the committee plans on honoring the original organizers of the event, Bruce and Dessa Surratt this year. She says a few surprises may be lined up for them at the day of the event. There are also talks about having live entertainment at the end of the race at Bahan’s where Jamison says their outdoor beer garden and patio would accommodate the crowd.
For further information about the event, you can contact Jamison at or call 217-719-9215.
For more information about the .5K event’s history, visit THAT 1 Place’s podcast here.