Tickets are now on sale for an annual Jacksonville tradition centered around helping children and breakfast food. The annual Jacksonville Kiwanis Club Pancake and Sausage Day returns on Monday, March 20th this year.
Co-chair of the event for this year, Tom Glossop says after a lengthy absence due to the Covid pandemic, the Kiwanis will again be serving inside at the Cured Catering Hall, formerly the McClellan Dinning Hall on East College Avenue.
Glossop says there is one area of service that will be a little different from recent years though. “We will have drive-through service, but unfortunately, we had to change the date because of a conflict, and on this particular Monday Routt could not be closed. So we will have a drive-through service from 4 pm to 7 pm.
We will have delivery available all day long for orders of ten or more. Be sure to tell your Kiwanian or wherever you get the tickets that you would like the delivery, and we will get the information and get them to you.”
Advance tickets are $8.00 and $10.00 at the door on the day of the event. The express drive-through will still line up along the west side of the Routt Gym from 4 to 7 pm.
Glossop says the proceeds from the event are strictly for helping children in the Jacksonville area. “All the ticket sales money goes into a foundation account. We cannot use any of that money to spend for club activities. Only for projects that we have for benefiting the children in our area.”
Glossop, along with Co-Chair David Freezen has set a lofty goal for this year’s event after Glossop recently did some scouring of the club’s records. “I found some records and back in 2009, we served 5,642 people, and it’s been several years since we served that many, and we used to sell around 7,000 tickets.
Times have changed, we had to go through Covid, and the culture changes and such. I have set an ambitious goal of going back to selling 7,000 tickets this year and serving 5,000 people.
And I would like to add that if you do not want a pancake ticket, or like pancakes and sausage, please consider buying a ticket anyway. All the tickets will be used and given to people who need a meal.”
Tickets are available from any Kiwanis member along with Heartland Bank and Trust, County Market, CNB Bank and Trust, The Source, The Farmers State Bank and Trust Company, Petefish and Skiles Bank, as well as here at the WLDS/WEAI Studios.