18th District Congressman Darin LaHood has introduced TANF reform legislation in order to put people back to work.
LaHood introduced 2 bills aiming to strengthen provisions under he Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. The reforms are expected to hold states accountable for their spending and ensure that the federal dollars are going towards the neediest families to provide them with the resources and necessary tools to get back into the workforce.
The two-bill package was introduced as part of the House Ways and Means Republican caucus JOBS for Success Act that also has Senate companion legislation.
LaHood’s bills would require states to spend 25% of their Maintenance-of-Effort funds and 25% of their federal block grant on work or work support activities and prevent states from using TANF to fill state budget deficits. The bills would also add apprenticeships to the list of approved work activities.
LaHood says the reforms provide a hand up for those in poverty so they are able to get back to work and move toward self-sufficiency.