Former U.S. Transportation Secretary and Illinois Congressman Ray LaHood told the State Journal Register yesterday that he did not vote for President Donald Trump in 2016 and “absolutely not” vote for him again this time around. LaHood said that he would be placing his endorsement for former Vice President Joe Biden. Ray LaHood said that the House Impeachment trial that delivered articles to the Senate yesterday is a waste of time.

A similar sentiment is shared by his son, and current 18th District Congressman Darin LaHood: “I just want to get [the impeachment] over with. What I’ve said all along in the House, of course I voted against impeachment, I’ve never have seen the evidence that satisfies me that the predicate and the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors have been met. This has been, in my view, a circus. Remember Nancy Pelosi claimed to the country that President Trump was an existential threat and it was urgent that we impeach him. Now, we are four weeks after that and finally, today we are going to vote on the impeachment articles to be sent to the Senate. I think it defies logic. I think the Democrats are way over their skis on this issue. I think this will be a very quick trial in the Senate. Again, I think it will show that the president may have done some unconventional things here, but it doesn’t satisfy impeachment.”
The younger LaHood is an honorary co-chair for the Trump Presidential campaign in Illinois and hand delivered petition signatures earlier in the month for the primaries on March 17th. The elder LaHood has said that Trump isn’t his type of politician and that he has turned the Republican Party upside-down. He says that Democrats and Republicans should focus their time on fixing the country’s fiscal concerns rather than carry out the impeachment hearings. The impeachment proceedings will begin today on Capitol Hill.