Someone has sent a proposed wind turbine structure on January 27th to the FAA. The structure is proposed to be cited south of Alexander and the structure is proposed to be 791 feet tall, well outside of the range of the 600-foot limit by the Morgan County WECS ordinance.
Lincoln Land Wind has yet to ask for their permits from the Morgan County Zoning Board of Appeals, which was established in early January after some lengthy debates on the title and operation of the zoning board by some local residents and the Morgan County Commissioners. The proposed case for the FAA can be seen at this link.
The Journal Courier reports that Apex Clean Energy is now looking to expand their footprint with a separate project in the northern portions of Macoupin County near Modesto, Scottville, and Virden. The project calls for up to 80 turbines along the northern Macoupin County line. The new project will be called the Lotus Wind Project. The Journal Courier reports that Lotus Wind has set up temporary offices in Virden and have begun contacting area landowners for possible interest. At this time, Macoupin County does not have any ordinances or resolutions regulating wind projects. Lotus Wind is expected to go online in 2023 for a 200 megawatt wind farm.
Macoupin County Board members report to the Journal Courier that Lotus Wind staff are slated to attend the county’s next Economic Development Committee meeting on Thursday and the regularly scheduled County Board Meeting.