Lincoln Land Community College is expanding its College For Kids offerings this summer.
The college will offer more than 60 programs from June 10th through July 25th at their Springfield campus, located at 5250 Shepherd Road.

New this year are theater camps for grades 1-8. There are three camps – Introduction to Theater, Auditioning for Theater and Introduction to Production, which includes backstage elements like set and costume design.
Girls in Construction, a career exploration camp (grades 9-12), is a partnership with O’Shea Builders and the Springfield YMCA. It will include meeting women in the construction industry, tool safety and hands-on building experience with a project at the Springfield YMCA soccer fields. Additional career exploration camps will feature electrical circuitry, construction, and health care careers.
College for Kids (grades 1-8) will also have camps covering a variety of interests, including art, yoga, culinary, science, space exploration, LEGO, archaeology, journalism, and web design.
Space for the camps are limited. Early registration is recommended. Dates, times, grade-level categories and registration can be found at or by calling 217-786-2432.