Crime Stoppers of Morgan, Scott, and Cass counties still saw major success last quarter, as they continue to battle a series of technological challenges.
Coordinator Loren Hamilton says that quality tips were up by 20 from the previous quarter, resulting in 6 solved cases, 12 arrests, and over $10,000 in property getting recovered: “I was a little surprised by that, because as followers know, we’ve had some issues with the website and cellphone app, things like that. So, the numbers were much better than what I anticipated.”
Hamilton says the tips coming in are quality tips leading to the conclusion of several cases. Hamilton says that arrests were down last quarter due to a lack of outstanding warrant arrests.
Hamilton says that Crime Stoppers hasn’t really noticed any change to their numbers or tips with the implementation of no cash bail in Illinois, but he suspects some things are coming: “We haven’t noticed it yet. We are anticipating a lot more failure to appear warrants in the future. I hope I’m wrong about that. As far as today, we really haven’t noticed a change yet.
Crime Stoppers paid out almost $1,300 in rewards last quarter on tips, another rising number.
Hamilton says the organization is still accepting applications for board members in Scott & Cass counties. Interested volunteers should submit their request to Hamilton at the Jacksonville Police Department.