Several groups are converging on Lincoln Land Community College in Jacksonville tonight to talk about the Navigator Heartland Greenway CO2 pipeline project.
Community Activitist Nick Dodson says residents of Morgan County who have questions about the pipeline should come to the free event. He says that lawyers, scientists, farmers and landowners in the area will be providing information on why they think the pipeline is a bad idea for the area.
Dodson says that Sangamon and McDonough counties have already placed moratoriums on CO2 pipelines coming through their counties after people have petitioned their local governments to do so. He says it’s ridiculous that liquid Carbon Dioxide pipelines are being regulated similar to crude oil pipelines, and that it’s dangerous.
Dodson says open invitations have been extended to elected officials for the meeting tonight at LLCC in Jacksonville. He hopes even supporters of the pipeline show up simply to help exchange information and concerns.
The event begins at 6:30 tonight at Community Room 115 at LLCC-Jacksonville, located at 32 North Central Park Plaza.
For further information, contact Nick Dodson