Lt. Governor To Hold R3 Grant Virtual Meeting

By Benjamin Cox on May 15, 2020 at 5:26am

A map of Illinois Opportunity Zones from DCEO. Those areas in blue will be prioritized by the R3 Program

Lieutenant Governor Julianna Stratton will host a virtual community meeting to share information about two Restore, Reinvest, and Renew or R3 Program grant opportunities on Friday at 11AM. R3 funding totaling $31.5 million that is subject to appropriation will be made available to eligible organizations in R3 zones. The briefing will provide community members and potential applicants with general information as well as eligibility requirements.

Jacksonville has portions of the northeast end designated as opportunity zones by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity that would qualify for the R3 grant opportunities. The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act of 2019 established the R3 program to provide 25% of tax cannabis revenues in grants to support communities impacted by the war on drugs and decades of economic disinvestment. The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority will release funding on Monday to support ivil legal aid, economic development, re-entry and diversion from the criminal justice system, violence prevention, and youth development. Eligible organizations may apply for two types of grants: 1) community assessment and planning and 2) service delivery programs.

Questions about the grant opportunities can be submitted ahead of time at To join the briefing, call 312-535-8110 and use access code 284 694 242.