Mac Foundation Announces Scholarship Applications Are Open

By Benjamin Cox on January 12, 2023 at 10:10am

The MacMurray Foundation & Alumni Association has announced the opening of its Scholarship program for the 2023 – 2024 academic year.

In its first two years the Foundation awarded 70 scholarships worth more than $70,000. The Foundation is increasing the minimum amount of each award to $1,500 this year. For all but two of the scholarships, eligibility is limited to members of the MacMurray College community that has relationship to alumni, former faculty, staff, and trustees. This year the Foundation is expanding eligibility to students who are sponsored by a member of the MacMurray community. Priority will again be given this year to those students whose MacMurray education was disrupted by the closing of MacMurray College in May 2020.

The Foundation will accept applications for its scholarships until March 15th for assistance for the 2023-2024 school year. For more information about the scholarships and to access an application, visit