Jacksonville Police and LifeStar EMS were paged out to a building strike at Top Shelf Liquor at approximately 9:30 am.
According to a report by Jacksonville Police, 61-year-old Diane E. Vincent of Roodhouse told officers she felt a medical event coming on while behind the wheel of her white SUV and turned off Lincoln Avenue into the parking lot of Top Shelf Liquor in the 1200 block of West Morton Avenue. Vincent said she then started coughing and believed she had passed out. She said when she came to, her vehicle had struck the building.
According to the report, the vehicle jumped the parking curb and struck the building causing substantial damage to the outer wall and deploying the vehicle’s airbags. Vincent complained of knee pain at the scene and was transported to Jacksonville Memorial Hospital for precautionary measures.
No citations were issued in the incident. The vehicle sustained disabling damage and had to be towed from the scene. No estimate of damages to the building was made available in the report.