Miller Continues Fight With Biden Administration Over Title IX Changes

By Benjamin Cox on May 13, 2024 at 6:27am

15th District Congresswoman Mary Miller continues a crusade against President Joe Biden’s Administration on Title IX rules.

Miller questioned Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Wednesday about finalized rules in Title IX that allow transgender women to enter female-designated bathrooms. Miller says that it endangers biological women and girls in private spaces as well as takes away opportunities in sports: “In Wisconsin, young girls were forced off of their volleyball team because they felt uncomfortable sharing a locker room with biological males. When the school district was asked about their decision-making on their transgender athlete policy, they said that they crafted it according to [Cardona & the Biden Administration’s] Title IX interpretation. Mr. Secretary, what consequences will female students face if they do not want to share a locker room with a biological male under your Title IX rules? The Title IX rules and the guidance that you are putting out, that you’ve been putting out for 3 years is taking away the safety of our daughters in their private spaces, in their locker rooms and showers, and taking away their athletic and educational opportunities. Girls in Wisconsin and West Virginia refused, and they were kicked off their teams. These schools are basing their decisions on your rules. This is happening because of you and Joe Biden.”

At least 22 Republican-led states are suing the Biden administration over the new Title IX rules. In those states, governors and other elected officials have advised schools and institutions to ignore the rules while the litigation is ongoing. The new Title IX rules do not address trans participation in sports.