Miller Supporting Gov’t Shutdown Due to Ongoing Migrant Crisis

By Benjamin Cox on January 11, 2024 at 12:50pm

Shut down the southern border or conservatives will shut down the federal government. That’s the hardline stance one Republican Congresswoman is taking on the current migrant crisis.

15th District Congresswoman Mary Miller says she will not vote for any new funding bills for the government this year unless the Biden Administration closes the U.S. Southern border, to what she calls an invasion: “Illinois is actually a sanctuary state rolling the red carpet out, expanding benefits for illegals. Biden and the Democrats have advertised, facilitated, and incentivized this invasion. Last week, after going down to the border with Speaker Johnson, I stayed an extra day to go visit a Texas ranch. Their ranch is being destroyed by illegals. The migrants are coming over by the thousands. The clothing piled up was knee high. Their countries have been destroyed, and they have found hundreds of bodies this past year on their property. I will not vote to support the invasion of our country, and I will not vote to fund the government until we shut down and secure the border. We must secure the border or stop funding the Biden government that is orchestrating this invasion.”

According to The Hill, Miller was not part of a group of House conservatives who tanked a procedural vote yesterday in rebellion of a spending deal that current House Speaker Mike Johnson struck with Democrats to keep the government funded through the fiscal year.

Thirteen Republicans joined with Democrats to vote against the rule for a trio of bills, preventing the chamber from debating and voting on the measures — which are unrelated to spending.

Conservatives have lobbied for deeper spending cuts as the federal government is coming towards shut down dates on January 19th and February 2nd if deals don’t get done.