15th District Congresswoman Mary Miller and the Illinois House Freedom Caucus blasted the Springfield YMCA over intersex bathrooms based on allegations from a teen that she had to share a locker room with an alleged transgender woman.
Miller’s Office issued a statement today saying that 16-year old Abbigail Wheeler of Springfield was allegedly kicked off of her swim team for objecting to transgender athletes using the same locker room with her at the Springfield YMCA.
Miller blamed the incident on the Joe Biden and J.B. Pritzker Administrations for promoting what Miller calls a “radical “gender ideology” agenda.” Miller called for the YMCA to reverse course by requiring those of biological sex to use separate facilities.
The Illinois House Freedom Caucus held a press conference in front of the Springfield YMCA, led by the caucus’ chair and Miller’s husband, State Representative Chris Miller this afternoon. Representatives of the caucus say that the Springfield YMCA has failed in its mission and is exposing young women to potential harm.
The Springfield YMCA addressed the accusations back on June 2nd with a statement saying that an adult male exposing themselves to a young child at their facility was untrue, saying any accusations would have been reported to authorities for investigation. The YMCA also said that transgender members of the community are protected under Illinois State law and are allowed to use the locker room for which they identify. The law also states that it is discriminatory to require anyone to use specific private changing rooms.
Capitol Fax reports that Wheeler’s father admitted that she was not kicked off the team and that he refused a meeting with the Y because he could not bring others with them, including a leader of an anti-trans group. Wheeler herself also told reporters that she never saw the person in a state of undress. Wheeler’s father is said to have not let her answer questions to reporters about whether she felt threatened or if the person was leering at her.