Morgan County Health Department has received confirmation of the 15th positive case of COVID-19. The 15th case is a female patient in her 50’s. She is isolated and recovering at home. Morgan County Health Officials are reporting as of 4:30 pm Saturday, there are eight tests pending results, 205 tests have been returned negative for the virus, and to date there has been one death in Morgan County attributed to the virus.
The Cass County Heath Department is reporting an additional three confirmed cases of COVID-19, bring the total in Cass County to 21. The three cases include a female in her 30s, a female in her 40s, and a female in her 50s.
Both Morgan and Cass County Health Officials report they are continuing to notify contacts with the patients, and communicate daily with patients and patient contacts for updates on their symptoms and conditions.
Statewide another 2,119 new cases and an additional 80 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. Illinois now has a total of 41,777 reported cases of COVID-19, and 1,874 deaths in 96 of the 102 counties in the state.
Scott and Pike Counties remain the only counties in West Central Illinois with no reported cases of COVID-19.