The Morgan County Commissioners met for less than 5 minutes yesterday morning, undertaking just two action items.
Commissioner Chair Ginny Fanning says there were four major bills on tap for the county this month: “We have bills in the amount of $82,268.32. Included in that is our DevNet for our computer equipment maintenance at $10,609.55; our Regional Office of Education quarterly invoice which will close this fiscal year at $20,274.80 and then we had two budgeted items that we pay yearly. The first is to our animal control for our annual county fee of $14,667 and then to the Morgan County Health Department for the solid waste management that they take care of and that is a budgeted amount of $5,000. Those were the four larger items that we had for this bill cycle.”
During Chair remarks, Fanning says the upcoming county budget should be available for public inspection on Friday. Commissioner Brad Zeller says that three union contracts are under current negotiations and the salaries for employees covered under those contracts will be amended into the budget after Friday at some point. He indicated that contract negotiations are coming along fine and does not expect any problems.
The county’s new fiscal year begins on September 1st.