The Morgan County Commissioners officially closed the book on the fiscal year 2023 tax levy this morning.
The commissioners unanimously approved the acceptance of the FY23 tax levy from the truth-in-taxation hearing held last week.
The commissioners also approved the upcoming year’s tax levy for Marnico Village. Commissioner Chair Ginny Fanning said during the meeting that it’s well under triggering a hearing: “It is only about a 2.5% increase, so it’s well under the tax cap as far as what we are able to levy. The Marnico Village tax levy ordinance is in the amount of $2,770.”
Both tax levies passed unanimously.
In other business, County Clerk Jill Waggener said today was the final day that petitions for candidates for school boards in the county could be filed. Petitions had to be filed by 5PM in the County Clerk’s Office at the Morgan County Courthouse in order for a candidate to appear on the ballot in the consolidated election in April.