With now less that one week to go before the general election on Tuesday, the Morgan County Clerk says she’s been pleasantly surprised by the early voting turnout so far.
County Clerk Jill Waggener says her office has seen a steady stream of early voters coming in. “I am pleasantly surprised, we have had over seven hundred voters come in to early vote, and we have had over nine hundred people who have opted into the vote by mail permanently, and just regular vote by mail. So that’s very optimistic.
I would also like to remind people that we are still early voting until [Monday] the 7th of November at five o’clock and we will also be open for early voting this Saturday the 5th from nine to noon.”
Waggener says there will not be extended hours during the week, however, early voting will continue at the County Clerk’s Office on the first floor of the Morgan County Courthouse during regular business hours from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm through this Friday.
Again, early voting will also be available this Saturday from 9:00 am to noon. The general election is next Tuesday, November 8th. Anyone who needs to register to vote can do so and vote at the same time between now and Tuesday in the County Clerk’s Office.