The Morgan County Commissioners approved a second payment this morning for the rehabilitation work at the Morgan County Jail.
The payment to Pauly Jail Building Company was just over $83,500 out of the county’s American Rescue Plan Act funding.
Commissioner Chair Ginny Fanning says that the work is about halfway complete: “I believe that they just started work on the console in the dispatch center. So, I think the actual work on the jail doors, etc. is getting close to being complete. Once they get the dispatch center all finished, then they will be done.”
Fanning says the bill to fix the jail is about 75% paid, with about $305,000 left to pay on the $1.2 million rehabilitation project.
Fanning says the county still has ARPA funds left to disburse on one more major upcoming project: “We were just checking on that this morning. We have approximately $3 million still there. Of course, a good portion of that is going towards the windows of the courthouse. That will be starting in January. Jacksonville Art Glass is going to start work on the replacement of the windows. Then, we are also working on hopefully the air conditioning here at the courthouse.”
Fanning says the funds are earmarked but they just haven’t been paid out. Recipients must obligate ARPA funds by Dec. 31, 2024, and spend them by Dec. 31, 2026.