Jacksonville Memorial Hospital and the Morgan County Health Department are asking residents of Morgan County to complete a short survey about health issues in the community.
The survey will be used to guide community health efforts for the next three years. Nonprofit hospitals like JMH are required by the Affordable Care Act to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment every three years to identify specific health priorities within the county where those hospitals are located. Hospitals work with other local healthcare organizations and health departments to collect this data and use it to develop a Community Health Implementation Plan to address the selected priorities.
The survey is available at this link. If you do not have the Internet and wish to complete the survey, contact JMH Community Health Coordinator Claire Peak by calling 217-479-3928.
During the previous Community Health Needs Assessment in 2021, public input led to the selection of mental health, obesity and cancer as priorities for Morgan County. That input sparked creation of initiatives like matching dollars at the Jacksonville Farmers Market for families who use SNAP benefits.