More than 150 people gathered in Community Park to take a moment to remember the country’s fallen veterans yesterday. A Memorial Day service was held at the Korean War Memorial Monday morning, hosted by the Jacksonville VFW Post
Keynote speaker 1st Sgt Dale Kirkendoll, a member of the Illinois National Guard, said more than 1,275,000 Americans have died in war and conflict since the Revolutionary War began in 1775.
Sgt Kirkendoll said during his address the day marks a time to gather to honor the courage, dedication, and sacrifice as part of the Memorial Day service. “But why, why must there be a sacrifice? Why is it that this is a consequence inflicted upon those who serve and those who love them? The answer is simple, but harsh liberty is not freely gained or preserved. It must be continually safeguarded.

I’d like to share the words of the late General Colin Powell: ‘Of the service members who died in battle, their sacrifice in the name of peace and freedom, have made this nation what it is today. By their sacrifice, they give us our strength and vibrancy. We the living must ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain.”
The ceremony ran just over 20 minutes in total and was completed by a 21-gun salute and the playing of TAPS.