The next COVID vaccination distribution in Morgan County is set for tomorrow, with some minor changes.
The Morgan County Health Department has announced the next closed point of distribution will begin at 9:00 am Tuesday at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. The event is open only to those who have preregistered and are scheduled to receive the vaccine tomorrow, January 26th.
Health Department officials say anyone who has not preregistered will be asked to do so and return on their scheduled day. The Health Department also announced that registration is now underway for those 70 and older. To register for a vaccination, dial 217-479-1817. Do not call the main Health Department’s phone number.
Organizers say the distribution point will open Tuesday at 9:00 am and no line will be allowed before then. Attendees are instructed not to show up on-site or start a lie on Westgate before 9:00 am. Anyone who does will be asked to leave and come back after the event has started. They also advise being prepared to wait in line.
Registration for those age 70 and older is now underway in Morgan County. Call 217-479-1817 to register.