The Jacksonville Public Library is joining with 200 other Illinois libraries in welcoming a best-selling author and Netflix star next week via Zoom.
Season 3 of the Illinois Libraries Present collaborative kicks off on Wednesday, November 8th at 7PM with Netflix’s Bake Squad star Maya-Camille Broussard.
Adult Services Librarian Ali Jones says she’s very excited to present this program, “She is a James Beard Award Finalist. She owns Justice of the Pies, which is a really famous Chicago-based bakery. She is the main star of the show Bake Squad, which is on Netflix. She is going to meet with us on Zoom at 7PM on November 8th. She’s going to talk about her cook book, how to bake with love, and the bakery business.”
Jones says that the offering of Broussard’s program before Thanksgiving will allow the audience to gain some great ideas for their own Thanksgiving meal, especially if they are on a fixed budget or have low income. Broussard’s bakery, Justice of the Pies, has partnered with many Chicago-area charities to provide meals for the South and West side of Chicago communities; and in partnership with Frontline Foods, provided food from Chicago area restaurants to front-line workers during the pandemic.
Jones says that Broussard also has the opportunity to discuss how she is navigating the baking business being hearing impaired: “She does really want to help young bakers or future bakers by talking about the different things that she’s struggled with being hearing impaired but also the things that she has succeeded with. She wants to share her story with everyone and say that it doesn’t who you are, you can cook and ‘Look at me, here I am.'”
The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. To register, call the Jacksonville Public Library at 217-243-5435. Jones says that if you can’t make it to the library to participate in the program. You can get the Zoom link and watch from the privacy of your own home. To register for at home viewing, contact Adult Services Librarian Ali Jones via email at ajones@jaxpl.or or simply call the library.