Things are slowly starting to wind up in the Morgan County Clerk’s Office ahead of the 2024 General Election.
Morgan County Clerk Jill Waggener says residents will want to keep an eye on their mailboxes in the coming weeks. “We are starting to prep for the 2024 election and are currently in the process of printing and sending out voter registration cards to all registered voters in Morgan County.
With that being said, we have just begun the process so please be patient, don’t expect it tomorrow or the next day. Some will get it and some will be in another couple of weeks. We have twenty-seven precincts to go through so it will take us a little bit, but you will be getting a new one soon.”
Waggener says even if your residential address or polling place hasn’t changed in a long time, you will still need to give the new card a thorough look over once you receive it. “So please check the spelling of your name, make sure your polling place on the card is correct. If you have any questions about it, call my office and we will be happy to talk to you about it.”
Waggener says her office will next start work on vote-by-mail letters which she says will start arriving in the mailboxes of Morgan County residents sometime after the first of the year.
She says anyone interested in getting on the vote-by-mail mailing list can call her office at 217-243-8581 and ask for Nicki or Megan. You can also stop into the Clerk’s Office on the first floor of the Morgan County Courthouse at 300 West State Street.
The 2024 primary election will be held on Tuesday, March 19th.