North Greene Unit District #3 announced late last week that it will be returning to in-person learning options on Tuesday next week. In a communication posted by Superintendent Mark Scott on September 10th, Scott says that those wishing to return to in-person learning may do so on Tuesday, September 22nd. Scott said in the press release that those wishing to remain in remote can do so through the first 9 weeks of the school year.
In the district’s return to school plan, instruction will be provided from 8AM to 2PM Tuesdays through Fridays with all students on remote learning on Mondays. Remote learning Mondays will be re-evaluated at the end of October. Dismissal times for the elementary, junior high, and high school will be staggered to allow for social distancing on bus routes and during dismissal. Meals will cease being delivered to remote learning students on September 22nd, but families can still pick up meals at each attendance center if needed.
Self-certification of symptoms and masks will be required each day. A short survey is available on the district’s website for parents to tell the district who is returning to in-person learning. Scott says that it should be filled out immediately so the district can make proper preparations for the return to learning next week. County-wide COVID-19 numbers also are going through a current evaluation to see if the September 22nd date is still feasible.
In a separate announcement, the district says a new wi-fi hotspot has been installed at the Barrow Baptist Church for rural students in that area. For more information, or to fill out the return to learning survey visit