The North Greene School District will be seeing some major renovations of its buildings within the next year.
The North Greene School Board approved an agreement with Omni Energy Partners at their December 15th meeting for a contract just over $2.7 million to renovate portions of the elementary school in Roodhouse. The details of the work will include renovation of the basement, which is the former jr. high boys’ locker rooms. The area will be converted into a new art room. Office space and former classrooms in the lower level will be converted into a band room. Portions of the building also still contain asbestos, and those will be abated. Upgrades to the HVAC and new ADA-compliant lifts will also be installed.
Another major renovation is coming at the high school in White Hall. The Greene Prairie Press reports that the library and media center will have portions turned into a band and chorus room. Paid for by ESSER funding, the district plans to bring back their band and chorus programs, which were eliminated due to funding issues in 2019. Portions of the jr. high wing will be remodeled into STEAM classrooms.
The ESSER funding will also allow roof repair at the high school.
The work in both buildings is expected to be completed in the summer next year ahead of the new school year in the Fall.