The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal announced Monday that the application period for their small equipment grant program is now open. All interested fire departments in the state should send an application to the OSFM no later than January 29th . OSFM will award $3.3 million to eligible fire departments and ambulance services during this application period.
The Small Equipment Grant Program was established to provide grants of up to $26,000 for the purchase of small firefighting and ambulance equipment. A total of $3.5 million was awarded to 154 fire departments/districts and EMS providers in June.
In addition to firefighting personal protective equipment (PPE), applicants can also apply for personal infection control items such as masks, gowns and gloves this application cycle. Most Illinois fire departments, fire protection districts and township fire departments are eligible to apply. In addition, stand-alone, not-for-profit ambulance service providers are eligible to apply.
Fire department, fire protection districts and township fire department applicants are required to have participated in the National Fire Incident Reporting System for a minimum of two years prior to applying. Due to NFIRS undergoing updates at this time, the OSFM will require departments to be current through June 2020 for this grant period. More information and the application for the grant program can be found on the OSFM website.