Jacksonville’s OutBreak Designs screen printing and embroidery shop is making special t-shirts to support local businesses amidst the coronavirus shutdown. Rick Rolson, owner and chief designer, said he got the idea of doing some type of fundraiser after speaking with Jacksonville Main Street Executive Director Judy Tighe. Rolson says he is just doing his part to help out the community. He says it’s really simple to get a shirt. “We basically started the t-shirt campaign with the idea of helping small businesses and organizations in the Jacksonville area. You can go to our website and go to the link to our online store where you can buy youth, lady, and adult unisex sizes. The shirts come in various colors and it has the design that basically says ‘We Are All In This Together’ with our ferris wheel logo.”
Rolson says part of the money will all go directly back to the community’s small businesses. “It’s up to the customer on where they want the donation to go to. They can pick whoever they’d like as long as its a small business or organization. T-shirts are $20, and $10 of that goes back to the business or organization determined by the customer. Outbreak Designs will write a check and put the customer’s name in the memo.”
The t-shirt fundraiser started back on March 28th and Rolson says he’s received over 100 shirt orders for 40 separate businesses in the area. Rolson says he’s going to continue the effort for at least a few more weeks. “Right now, there’s no time line. We’re going to play things by ear and see how it goes. If the orders trickle in, they trickle in. We’ll keep them going for at least another week or two, but right now there’s really no time line.”
To order a shirt, visit outbreakdesigns.com or give them a call at 217-370-5418 or email them at info@OutbreakDesigns.com.