The executive director of a local foundation is donating grant money to fund local volunteer EMS services. Pam Martin is a farmer with her husband in Morgan County. She also serves as the executive director of the Passavant Area Hospital Foundation. Martin got a $2,500 grant from America’s Farmers Grow Communities program through the Bayer Fund.
According to a press release, Martin is placing that money in the Foundation’s initiative in support of a training program for local volunteers to get involved with emergency medical services at Passavant Area Hospital. The Foundation has pledged $10,000 to each of the ten volunteer EMS services in the hospital’s five-county service area.
The goal for the pledge is to aid in volunteer training and remove barriers to becoming an EMS volunteer. Agencies involved in the pledge will include Alexander, Arenzville, Ashland, Chandlerville, Chapin, Meredosia-Bluffs, Murrayville-Woodson, South Jacksonville, Waverly, and Winchester.
The America’s Farmers Grow Communities program partners non-profit organizations that support strengthening rural communities. To date, the Bayer Fund has awarded nearly $33 million to over 8000 communities in the United States through this program.
Martin and her husband Gary operate M&G Farms in rural Morgan County.