An area hospital received a less-than satisfactory grade in a report released yesterday. The Leapfrog Group, an independent nonprofit organization committed to driving quality, safety, and transparency in the U.S. health system released grades for nationwide hospitals for 2019 yesterday and Passavant Area Hospital along with their partner Memorial Medical Center in Springfield received a “C.” The report measures each hospital based on 28 criteria from Trauma response and care to use of technology and doctor response time.
Leapfrog does the grades twice a year to measure a hospital’s improvement as well as keeping things as up-to-date to inform patients as quickly as possible. Passavant and Memorial released a statement to WICS yesterday saying that both hospitals had recently received re-accreditation from the Joint Commission through annual completed on-site evaluations. The Leapfrog report card is one of several rating systems that analyze hospital care each year in the United States. To view the Leapfrog rating, visit this link.