A West Central Illinois county is jumping in on a new piece of technology used by law enforcement.
WGEM in Quincy says that Pike County is installing license plate readers, known as Flock cameras, throughout the county. The first cameras have been installed around Pittsfield, according to the report
Pike County Sheriff David Greenwood told WGEM that a recent equipment theft in Pittsfield prompted his department to begin installing the cameras, because he said if the cameras had been present prior to the theft, an apprehension of the suspect would have happened quicker.
Greenwood says the cameras will also help in missing persons cases, as well. The technology also allows neighboring law enforcement to stay connected by tracking movements of suspects into neighboring jurisdictions.
The cameras themselves cannot issue citations.
Jacksonville has had the Flock camera system around the city for a little over a year. Police Chief Adam Mefford says the inner connectivity is a great tool for law enforcement to stay in communication and to help track down people in a variety of situations – not just criminal ones.
Greenwood told WGEM the goal is to install six more cameras around the county.