The Prairieland United Way still has a little ground to make up as this season’s campaign draws closer to the deadline. Karen Walker, executive director of the Prairieland United Way says this year’s campaign is just under 90% of the way to reaching this year’s goal.
She says it’s a lot of ground to cover yet, but she’s hopeful they can make it by the deadline. “I’m feeling good about it. I think we have a few employee campaigns we’re waiting to hear back from. But we are better than we were a year ago at this time. As you can remember we were really kinda pushed at the end and felt a little nervous as to whether we going to make the goal.
Right now we still have some work to do, but I feel that we’re going to do it. I feel with some good support coming in here from the community and the last employee campaigns we have I think that we can do it.”
This year’s campaign ends on February 28th and the allocation of funding begins in March. Walker says beyond the ongoing employee campaigns, this weekend sees the return of the Price is United dinner and game show event that should give the campaign a good boost toward the finish line.
Walker says there are even more seats available this year as the event has moved to the Midwest Athletic Center for an even bigger event this year. “I think people are going to be very excited when they see what we have this year. A new wheel and David and Nicole [Meyer] just do a fantastic job bringing it all together, and it’s such a fun night. Every time we do it I’m just amazed at the quality and I think anyone who attends walks away saying that was the most fun event that I’ve been to in such a long time.
I’m excited, our goal was to sell forty tables and we have thirty-eight sold right now. So we are just a few tables shy of reaching our goal, so I won’t be surprised if we do sell it out. So if you’re thinking about coming make sure yo get your tickets or your spot reserved, it’s not too late.”
To make reservations for the Price is United happening this Saturday at 5:30 pm register online at Prairieland untied way dot org.
Walker says any last-minute donations are still greatly appreciated and can be given online or dropped off in person at the Prairieland United Way office located on the lower level of the Jacksonville Municipal Building at 200 West Douglas Avenue.
To find out more information about the Prairieland United Way and the Price is United, contact Walker at 217-245-4557, to go to the Prairieland United Way Facebook page.