Area not-for-profit organizations are encouraged to attend a meeting next month that could lead to funding through the United Way.
The Prairieland United Way announced this morning an informational pre-allocation meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 18th.
The meeting is for 501(c)3 not-for-profit organizations in Morgan, Scott, Cass, and Northern Greene counties who are interested in applying for FY2025 United Way funding.
Prairieland United Way Executive Director Karen Walker says that application requirements, procedures, and deadlines will be reviewed at the meeting.
She says several documents must be reviewed for an organization to be considered eligible to apply for a United Way grant, including the IRS tax-exempt letter, a copy of the constitution and by-laws, a copy of the non-discrimination policies specific to employment services, and a copy of the corporate charter including amendments.
Other documents needing to be updated annually for an organization’s annual file include a listing of the current board members, annual report, annual audit, and IRS 990 and AG990-IL.
Anyone with questions can contact Walker at 217-245-4557, or stop by the Prairieland United Way office located on the lower level of the Jacksonville Municipal Building at 200 West Douglas Avenue.
The pre-allocation meeting will be held on January 18th at 9:00 am in the second-floor Commission Room of the Municipal Building