Prairieland United Way has scheduled its pre-allocation informational meeting.
The meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 19th at 9AM at the Jacksonville Municipal Building, 200 West Douglas Avenue, in the commission room on the second floor.
Executive Director Karen Walker says the meeting starts the process for doling out the funds raised from the annual fundraising campaign: “Of course we are currently in our campaign mode, so we are really working hard to raise those funds. The next piece of that…the next step of that is then, what do we do with those funds once we do raise that money; and that’s putting it out into the community and seeing how can we best invest that money into the programs that we need in our community that need it. So, that’s the next step.”
The meeting will be for any 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Morgan, Scott, and northern Greene counties who are interested in applying for 2024 United Way assistance. Walker says the meeting will help organizations gather the necessary paperwork and understand the essentials on how to apply for funding: “We’ll go over the application. It’s a multiple-page application that we have. Basically, we’ll go over the requirements to be a United Way agency, a partner agency also the need to have regular board meetings [of that agency], a current list of board officers, when they meet, an annual report audit…all of the financial responsibilities that you would expect, a current list of their by-laws, and such things. We want to make sure that people who are investing with us obviously giving their money often times want to look at those things to do a charitable donation and follow those same rules so that they are giving to a non-profit that is for sure a 501(c)3.”
Applications will be due back to the Prairieland United Way in February. From there, scheduling of presentations by the eligible agencies will take place. For more information, agencies and their representatives can contact Karen Walker at 217-245-4557.