Prairieland United Way’s 2023 Campaign Reaching Final Stretch

By Benjamin Cox on February 9, 2024 at 9:06am

The Prairieland United Way annual fundraising campaign is reaching the home stretch.

Executive Director Karen Walker says its crunch time for donations to the campaign: “As of Monday, we were at 84% to our goal. We really need to push to get to that final number so that we can make as big of an impact as possible in this community. You know I would love to say that we could do it quicker, but I don’t know if we could it in less than 6 months when we are talking about raising close to a half a million dollars from our community. That’s a big undertaking, and it does take a lot of work and effort. Kudos to our campaign chairs Kristin Jamison and Kristen Reed, and our board of directors. There’s just a lot of people involved in getting this job done, and it takes awhile. It also does make up a big ask for the community, and we, at this point, are at crunch time. If we are really going to make the impact that we need to, we really need anyone that’s able to give us the help so we can get to that finish line.”

One of the biggest fundraisers to round out the campaign is right around corner with the Price Is United event on Saturday, February 24th starting at 5:30PM at the Midwest Athletic Center. Table reservations that seat and feed 8 people are available now, starting at $400. Click here to reserve your table.

Reservations can be made by visiting or by calling 217-245-4557.