The Jacksonville Police Department along with Memorial Behavioral Health are again collaborating to help keep prescription drugs off of the streets. The spring Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will be held on Saturday, April 24th this year.
Prescription Drug Take-Back Day provides an opportunity for people to rid their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs.
Officials say some methods by which many people dispose of drugs such as flushing them down toilets or throwing them in the trash, pose safety and health hazards and are not good for the environment. The event is sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
According to an announcement by Memorial Behavioral Health, staff members will be onsite at the Jacksonville Police Department from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. On April 24th to collect unwanted prescription drugs in a “drive-thru” set-up that will allow anyone dropping off unwanted prescription drugs to stay in their vehicle.
Those dropping off unwanted medications during the event will receive a goodie bag provided by Memorial Behavioral Health. The service is free and anonymous; no questions will be asked. The site cannot accept liquids or needles, only pills or patches. For anyone unable to drop off prescription drugs on April 24, a secure drop box for unwanted medications is available 24/7 in the front lobby of the police department.
The Jacksonville Police Department is located at 200 W. Douglas Ave. For more information about Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, call 217-245-0844.