The Illinois Veterans’ Home in Quincy is experiencing an increase in Covid-19 cases among veterans and staff.
The Illinois Department of Public Health labs were able to confirm 16 residents and 10 staff positive for the virus recently.
Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Director Terry Prince says thankfully none of the cases have resulted in anyone at the facility becoming extremely ill: “The good news is that in almost every case the residents have a mild sinus infection and some sore throats. Four residents were ultimately put in the hospital. Three have since returned, and one remains and that’s with non-Covid related symptoms. We do know that the vaccinations have had a major impact on the health and well-being of our residents. Our staff continue to wear PPE including N-95 masks and shields, and eye wear. Unfortunately, that isn’t necessarily the case in the regular community.”
Adams County is currently listed by IDPH to be at a high level of transmission for Covid-19.
IDVA reports that all positive residents at the Veterans’ Home have received at least 2 doses of the vaccine, and the majority have also had their booster shots. Prince says the Quincy home has been working with IDPH to enact protocols such as daily health screenings and limiting activities in affected areas.
IDVA officials say that visitors are still allowed, but families have been notified about the outbreak and have been asked to consider rescheduling current visits for the time being.