After resigning 3 weeks ago, Kyle Robison has rescinded his resignation and will be returning to be the Roodhouse Chief of Police. Robison is expected to be reappointed to the position this coming Wednesday at the next Roodhouse City Council meeting, according to the Greene Prairie Press. Robison, who had been with the local department for over a decade, resigned last month in order to pursue a position with the Illinois State Police. Citing his personal faith, family and friends, Robison ultimately decided to return back to the Roodhouse Police force as the deciding factor to keep his old job. Robison is a 2002 graduate of North Greene High School and has been a part of the Roodhouse Police force since 2009.
Robison Rescinds Resignation, Returns to Roodhouse PD
By Benjamin Cox on November 14, 2019 at 3:53pm