108th District Representative Wayne Rosenthal has been tapped to serve as the Minority Spokesperson for two House Committees. The committees he was chosen for include State Government Administration and Transportation: Vehicle Safety.
Rosenthal previously served in the Illinois General Assembly in the House or Representatives from 2011 to 2015 representing the 98th district before switching over to the 95th district in 2013. After Rosenthal retired from the seat in 2015, he served as the director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources until being replaced by Colleen Callahan in 2019. He is also a retired brigadier general in the Illinois Air National Guard. Rosenthal went on to be replaced by Avery Bourne, a fellow Morrisonville resident. She likely would have been in Rosenthal’s seat but made an unsuccessful bid for the Republican lieutenant governor position on a ticket with Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin.
Since Rosenthal previously served in the General Assembly, it made him eligible to serve as a committee Spokesperson because House Rules require Spokespersons to be in at least their third term of office.
In addition to serving as Spokesperson on the aforementioned committees, Rosenthal will also serve as a member of the following committees: Agriculture and Conservation, Energy and Environment, Higher Education, and Veterans’ Affairs.