Secretary of State To Open 3 CDL Sites For Testing & Licensure

By Benjamin Cox on May 12, 2020 at 11:02am

Secretary of State Jesse White is opening a select number of CDL testing and licensing facilities after receiving pressure from state lawmakers. State Senator Andy Manar announced today that the Senate Agriculture Committee had successfully lobbied to have the CDL site reopened to meet the increasing demand being placed on commercial and agricultural enterprises engaged in delivering and producing essential goods during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Manar said that a shortage of CDL drivers in the state could mean a critical break in the state’s supply chain as well as in any part of the state’s economic recovery. Manar hopes the reopening of the select sites in Springfield, Marion, and West Chicago can help get truckers who are ready to test licensed and on the road.

The Springfield site is located at 2710 South Dirksen Parkway and will be open by scheduled appointment Monday through Saturday 8AM-5PM. To schedule an appointment to test, call the office at 217-785-3013. All other CDL transactions will be conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. The Secretary of State’s Office will be taking the necessary precautions to protect the health and safety of employees and applicants. For more information about the CDL service, visit