Several area volunteer fire departments have received a portion of $1.5 million doled out as a part of the 2023 Small Equipment Grant from the Illinois State Fire Marshal.
The program allows for fire departments and not-for profit ambulance services in Illinois, particularly those that have hardships in generating the necessary revenue for small equipment to purchase new equipment or replace aging equipment. The OSFM received 296 applications, requesting around $4.5 million in funding for this grant period.
Grant recipients and their amounts are the following from the listening area:
Brown County Fire Protection District- $25,740; Chandlerville Volunteer Fire Department- $25,984; Waverly Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad- $25,966.95; Woodson Community Fire Protection District- $25,895; Pleasant Hill Fire Protection District- $18,859; Barry Fire Protection District- $26,000; Pleasant Plains Fire Protection District- $26,000; City of Rushville- $26,000
Most Illinois fire departments, fire protections districts, township fire departments, and stand-alone, nonprofit ambulance service providers were eligible to apply. All fire departments, fire protections districts and township fire department applicants were required to have participated in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for a minimum of two years prior to applying.