South Jacksonville Contracted Employee Agreement Tabled for More Discussion

By Jeremy Coumbes on September 7, 2019 at 10:24am

A contentious item for the Village of South Jacksonville is apparently not completed. The village board met face to face with Alice Hancock for their final committee of the whole meeting last month and appeared to iron out issues for a formal job title, job duties, and an agreed-to payment rate of $45 per hour.

Thursday night at the village board meeting, Hancock’s letter of engagement was tabled. Village trustee Todd Warrick explains the motion.

The reason why we did this is, she was originally doing work on a verbal agreement, and as trustees we did not feel that this was the proper was to do this. We wanted something in writing so we had her write down what job functions that she does, and a contract was drawn up with those job functions included. Some of thee things that I brought up that were not included in there were, there was no minimum or maximum number of hours to be worked. This is protection for not only Alice, but for the village as well, because there needs to be something in there stating the maximum number of hours she can work. Another thing that was in there was a one time sign on bonus, which I do not agree with, so that is the reason I had tabled that, and obviously the other five trustees agreed with that because it passed with a 6 to 0 vote.”

The one-time signing bonus was a missed paycheck that Hancock presented to the board because she was told not to work until she had a formal letter of engagement for her services from the board. Hancock had said she was mistreated because she missed out on income because the board had not properly informed her that she wasn’t to come to work. The Village of South Jacksonville is likely to further discuss this at their next committee of the whole meeting on Tuesday, September 10th.