An unnamed donor is stepping up to see that outreach services continue in the North East section of Jacksonville.
The Spirit of Faith Soup Kitchen has met it’s $50,000 goal and will be able to have a complete roof replacement this year. Director of the center, Polly Pulley says that her and her staff have been overwhelmed by the support shown by the public during the course of their capitol campaign, and that the donor who wishes to remain unnamed at this time, confirmed with a member of the board via text message yesterday that the balance of the goal will be reached.
“I’d just like to thank everyone that donated, we had so many different businesses and churches, and individuals that came together and made this happen, so we just want to say thank you. It’s pending right now on when we are going to do the final painting of the thermometer total board outside to show that we have reached our goal. We are waiting on the person that has pledged the remaining amount to write the check to the bank. It hasn’t happened yet, but the person’s word is good.”
Pulley says that she has not had a chance to get an update from the bank as of press time, but that she believes the the soup kitchen roof fund was between $6,500 and $7,000 shy of the $50,000 total needed for the roof.
Pulley says that the contractor is confident the project will start by late spring or early summer at the latest. The group had received enough money early on that the contractor was able to seal the various leaks in the roof, to get the building through the winter.
Pulley says that she hopes to soon announce when the tote board in front of the center will be filled in, and that her and her staff will be holding a formal reception when that happens.
“The day of the final marking in of the thermometer, we are going to have refreshments inside of the center, so anyone who donated and would like to be a part of it, we would love for them to come in and say hi, and have refreshments that day, and just let us thank them personally, because we just appreciate everybody and we want to show them our appreciation.”
In addition to the soup kitchen, the building located at 632 N. Main Street houses a free after-school reading program that provides tutoring and mentoring to elementary school-age children.