Time is running out to get in as a sponsor for this year’s Jacksonville Main Street Downtown Concert Series.
Jacksonville Main Street Executive Director Judy Tighe says Main Street wants to make sure any potential sponsors are included as third-party deadlines for both print and production media are fast approaching.
There are six levels of sponsorship for the series and each comes with a higher level of perks. Tighe says that even sponsoring at the minimum level gets your business or organization a lot of exposure.
“You’re definitely going to get regular social media posts and we’ve got a pretty good online following, so you get a ton of exposure with that. In addition, you get listed on our website and on the concert signage, the sponsor’s poster, and special signage that is onsite throughout the series.”
The full media deadline is this Monday, May 15th to ensure your business, or organization is included in all advertising media for the 2023 concert series.
The sponsorship levels range from Digital Gold starting at $100, to Diamond Level sponsorships at $5,000 which includes having your logo included on all printed materials, 40 drink tickets, and reserved seating at all eight concerts to name a few.
Tighe says this year’s concert series is bringing a wide variety of talent to downtown again this year. “I’m really excited, we’ve got some great bands coming and Melissa and her team have done a fabulous job getting a really wide variety of musical genres. There will be a couple of faces and bands that you have seen before. And then like we always do, we’re bringing some new ones to town so you’ll have more bands to become fans of.”

The Jacksonville Main Street Downtown Concert Series has been in existence since 2016 and tries to bring new high-level musical talent to the plaza for eight weeks during the summer.
Tighe says the series is self-funded so sponsors are still the biggest part of what brings the music downtown, and Main Street is looking forward to another great season.
“June second is our first concert, and fingers crossed and hoping and praying for good weather all season like we had last year and we’re really looking forward to seeing everyone out on the square.”
To find out more information, including the sponsorship form, go to the Jacksonville Main Street Facebook page, or at jacksonvillemainstreet.com.